The Bi-vocational Knight: The Case for Bivocational Ministry Part 1 by Rev. Mike Chipman
The Bi-vocational Knight: The Case for Bivocational Ministry Part 1 by Rev. Mike Chipman I started my ministry career as a youth worker at New Albany Presbyterian. After some time there, I came under the care of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery as a student of theology. I was moving into the big time. I saw the land of ordained ministers as a land of anointed knights, and I was a squire. I hoped to one day trade in my dagger and scrub brush for a sword and shield. Several situations exacerbated this feeling. Once, I filled the pulpit in another ARP church. Before my sermon, the elder introduced me as, “Mike Chipman, who is training to be a real pastor one day.” In another church, the elder introduced me as, “Chip.” You know, like the idiot sidekick monkey-boy who's there for laughs and to make the hero look smart. The pastor may have introduced me that way because of the thing growing on my shoulder. Whatever the case, that day finally came when I was dubbed, ...