Rejoice Always - Brian Taylor
In the early days following my conversion to the Faith, I grew quite fond of contemporary Christian music. A t the age of seventeen, having been redeemed from a very rebellious lifestyle, such an appeal was quite necessary and helpful. So , to make a full confession, yes, I thoroughly enjoyed Petra crooning that God had given rock and roll to me, as well as Degarmo and Key challenging me not to be a casual Christian. I must say, though, that not all such music was doctrinally vapid. Some tunes actually evinced a fair amount of theological acumen. One example w as the song Be Ye Glad, by the group Glad. From time to time, throughout my life, the lyrics of that melody have echoed in my mind. I would even go so far as to say that such ministered comfort, strength and joy to me, as it reminded me of certain spiritual truths as revealed in God’s Holy Word. So, for instance, when enduring particularly challen...