A Few Brief Reflections on Synod -- Tim Phillips
The 2022 meeting of General Synod ended this morning around 11 a.m. I drove about 8 hours and arrived home this evening. Even though I am fairly exhausted, I know that Kyle Sims will berate me mercilessly if I don't turn my monthly article on time, so I thought I would offer a few observations about the meeting. What I Liked 1) Bonclarken! Synod had not met at Bonclarken since 2018 (2019 was held concurrently with the RPCNA at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA, and the 2020 and 2021 meetings were moved to Columbia, SC, because of COVID restrictions). It was good to be back in Flat Rock, NC, again! 2) The Moderators. Bill McKay (Moderator) and David Lauten (Vice Moderator) both did excellent jobs chairing the meeting. Rob Patrick was elected as Moderator for next year, and I know he will do a good job as well. 3) Worship. The preaching, as usual, was excellent. The sermons by Patrick Malphrus and Morrie Lawing especially stood out to me, but others, such as Henry B...