Do Not Bind Consciences With Advent by Rev. Benjamin Glaser

Around this time last year I wrote a piece about why women, and unordained men, should not be leading worship either by the reading of Scripture or by speaking authoritatively from the pulpit in the Lord’s Day morning and evening service. As part of that I spoke about church authority and how Presbyterians have understood this since the Reformation. To touch another third rail on a matter related to that for Seventeen82 I’d like to posit the same principle only applied this time to the creature known as Advent. Proponents of such will tell you that these extra-biblical holy moments are adiaphora, or to put it into hillbilly English, none of my business. However, before we get into my annual “Ben Glaser hates fun and pretty things” lecture we need to revisit the question about church authority and what it means when the Session calls for worship. To do that we will hit the ARP Directory of Public Worship first, and yes before someone posts it I know the ARP directory allows our ...