Liberty, Romans 14, and What We Are to Do With Disagreement by Rev. Benjamin Glaser

In Sabbath School the past several months we’ve been working through the Book of Romans, hitting chapter 14 on the Lord’s Day prior. While one of the less time-investing portions of the systematic theology of the Christian faith written by the Apostle Paul, it involves just as vital a testimony of what matters to believers than any other part. For my monthly installment here at Seventeen82 I’d like to take a minute while you sit right there and I tell you a little bit how we are to treat one another when we find places in the life of the Church where we seem to be at odds. Christian liberty is not the freedom to decide for myself what I want or don’t want to do. One of the shortcomings of modern translations of the English Bible is a failure to distinguish between the singular and plural forms of you. That has led folks to read themselves into “you” when they should be seeing the community of faith every time the “you” gets namechecked by an author of Scripture. There is no...