Singing the Songs of Your People by Rev. Benjamin Glaser
This post originally appeared here. Good Morning, This is the last in a series of four (that was supposed to be two) on the ARP and the advantages/blessings of psalm singing. We’ve covered why the psalms are worthy to be sung, the mercies present in singing them corporately , and how psalms teach us uniquely about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Today we are going to bring each of these together in the peace and comfort of why God would have us to continue to sing these words of praise in all areas of adoration, whether that be private, family, or public worship. Sit tight as we do a little bit of background to get us going. As we’ve noted before the singing of the psalms was the universal practice of the Christian Church for most of its history. While there has been evidence of some hymns being written, they were almost completely absent from the life of the people of God until the Protestant Reformation. Only then do we see their adoption and regular inclusion in Luthera...