“That They May All Be One” – Emily Woodard
If you were asked to name a human relationship that is a picture of the gospel, what would you say? Most of us would probably answer with “marriage” and we would not be incorrect, a la Ephesians 5 (and Hosea 1-3; Ezekiel 16; Jeremiah 31:32...). But the bond between a husband and wife is not the only human illustration of gospel truth to which Scripture points. Certainly the parent-child relationship can be highlighted as a reflection of God’s love for his people. Earthly fathers who give good gifts to their children are used as an a fortiori argument for the truth of God’s provision of the Holy Spirit to his children (Matthew 7:11). A mother’s attachment to and compassion for her nursing child mirrors God’s loving remembrance of his people (Isaiah 49:15, 66:13). Even outside familial connections, Jesus speaks of a different relationship still when he highlights its ability to show the world the truth of the gospel. In fact, Jesus desires that when people observe this human relationshi...